Welcome to the Regional Counterdrug Training Academy
To our law enforcement officers:
Thank you for visiting the RCTA website. We want to extend our most sincere invitation to you to attend the world’s best training; and it’s free! At RCTA you will find the world best instructors, a staff who will make you feel very welcomed, and an environment that makes you want to return again and again.
Created by Congress in 1992, the RCTA is the longest serving of five counterdrug schools which are located in the states of Florida, Iowa, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and Washington. These five schools trained more than 75,000 students in Fiscal Year 2019. With a total of 35,134 course hours, officers received vital training that helped them accomplish drug interdiction, arrests, seizures, and the disruption of drug trafficking organizations across the nation and at our nation’s borders. Federal, state, local, and tribal agencies were trained in many areas of drug enforcement.
The schools were born based on the nationwide demand for training from law enforcement officers. The military is either at war or training for war; they certainly know how to administrate training. So the program’s concept was simple: Allow the National Guard to host training, and utilize civilian experts to conduct it. Hundreds of thousands of law enforcement officers have utilized this training.
Congress has given you the opportunity. Now it’s up to you to take advantage of it. Browse our web-site. Pick the topics that are right for you, and get your department to send you to our life changing classes. If you plan on attending classes at our Meridian campus, you will meet officers from many parts of the country, thus creating a network to help you throughout your career. If you attend one of our “export” classes, you will experience the world’s best training with the convenience of being close to home. Whichever you decide, our training will allow you to serve your community more efficiently and allow you to protect your community more effectively.
At RCTA, we are here to serve those that serve others. We are grateful for your daily sacrifice, your dedication, and your selfless service. Visit us soon, and visit us often. We want to help.
Tim Rutledge, Director of Training