Press The Fight.
32 Years of training Law Enforcement in the field of Counterdrug. Your tuition FREE Training starts now!
Attn: Students attending classes at the Main RCTA facility in Meridian MS. We are currently providing rooms in town at one of the local hotels at no cost to students. You will be required to have a roommate during your class. Students are encouraged to register for classes with someone they know from their own agency, as students will be paired up by department.
Equipping you will the skills to make arrest the right way.
We provide the best investigative techniques from interrogation to technical skills.
Empowering you with world class operational training for success and safety.
The Difference is in the Training
The RCTA provides the best Counter-Narcotics training available with over 50 different classes in Interdiction, Investigation, technical skills, and operations. We bring in world class instructors and staff in to instruct our Law Enforcement students TUITION FREE!
The RCTA provides free training to law enforcement agencies throughout the U.S., including the National Guardsmen involved in counterdrug support missions. The primary focus is the five supported states (AL, GA, LA, MS & TN). This training is provided at no cost to the law enforcement officers or agencies. The only cost incurred by the agency is the transportation to and from the RCTA.
Make your plans now to train with the best!
32+ Years Of Experience in Counterdrug Training
The RCTA was established to provide counterdrug (CD) training to members of Federal, State, Tribal, or Local Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs), and Military members (when applicable) with tuition free instruction on drug interdiction and counterdrug activities, and drug demand supply, reduction and prevention techniques.
Course Information
Courses created to aid you safely, professionally, and accurately in the field.
Preparing you with the skills to find the answers you need and in today world.
Intelligence / Technical
State of the art technical and intelligence based courses.
Classes built to train you for the most demanding situations.
Class Calendar
Take a look at this years training calendar. Register now! Slots are filling fast.
How To Register
Click here for information on registration and attending classes.
Class Updates
Cop Talk